Free download Advanced PBX Data Logger

Advanced PBX Data Logger

Advanced PBX Data Logger enables users to record, track and archive phone calls and can capture
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User rating
13 votes
Release date
21 July 2008

Editor's review

Owing to increasing size and productivity of modern enterprises, need for improved communication within the organizational framework has also risen proportionally. Thus, a number of enterprises have installed their private communication modules, which are generally monitored through Private Branch eXchange (PBX). The call records from the PBX are called CDR, CIL and SMDR. There are three types of interfaces to collect data from the PBX, namely- Serial Interface, Network Port for Listen mode and Server mode. Advanced PBX Data Logger facilitate users to track, achieve and record phone calls, capture CIR or SMDR data from RS845, RS232, TCP or UDP ports. It also processes the information as per your needs, and extracts variables from the data packets, and transfers the data to a text or binary file, database, OPC and DDE.

Advanced PRX Data Logger has the potential to log data from many PBX simultaneously with fully different settings. It can support more than 50 PBX types and can create custom configuration. Without any changes to a log file it can give the result of the received data. It also supports date/time stamping along with features that allow logs rotation. It allows you to show all the received data in a program window. You may use powerful regular expressions or define simple rules. Data can be exported to MS Excel files, MSSQL, MySQL, ODBC database. It has a capability to run as OPC or DDE server and can public all the received data. There are many plugins that can extend program features. It is compatible for various Operating systems such as Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista, x86 and x64 platform. It can run as a service so that it can start as soon as the OS starts without the need of user to log in or run it.

Advanced PBX Data Logger is a user-friendly tool, which incorporates systematic procedure of data-processing. The software is rated with 3.5 rating points, for its easy to navigate features and intriguing interface.

Publisher's description

You may be an experienced hardware or network engineer, or an application designer and looking for a handy utility for extending your office, hotel or enterprise application. Whatever the case may be, look no further than our Advanced PBX Data Logger, for it will meet all of your technical needs.
Advanced PBX Data Logger enables users to record, track and archive phone calls and can capture SMDR or CIR data from RS232, RS845, TCP ports and write real-time data to disk, Excel, database (MSSQL, MySQL, ODBC) or to other targets. The program can be integrated to your call accounting system and work together with your hotel or office application.
If you have a few PBX or PABX working at the same time, don't worry, Advanced PBX Data Logger can handle many ports and PBX at the same time and record the data simultaneously! Advanced PBX Data Logger can work as a Windows service, which means that users can log on and off the Windows, but the program will still be there collecting your information. Good functionality and power at a very affordable price!
Key features:
* Capability to log data from multiple PBX at the same time, each PBX can have different settings;
* Supports more than 50 PBX types and allows creating custom configuration;
* Captures CDR and SMDR data from PBX via RS232, COM or TCP ports;
* Fast multi-threaded, optimized and efficient architecture;
* Outputs received data without any changes to a log file. Supports date/time stamping and logs rotation
* Filtering. You may define simple rules or use powerful regular expressions;
* Data writing to ready-to-use MS Excel or CSV files;
* Data exporting to MSSQL, MySQL or any ODBC-compatible database;
* Many plug-in modules;
* Simple, dialog-driven step by step set-up;
* Works as a service or a standalone application on all Windows versions.
Advanced PBX Data Logger
Advanced PBX Data Logger
Version 2.0
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